Maximizing your bio and CV
Annie Dabrowski avatar
Written by Annie Dabrowski
Updated over a week ago

Do I need both a bio and CV and if so, when should I send a bio and when should I use a CV?

Having both documents is highly recommended. Recruiters often like to see both. The CV shows the trajectory of your career, which helps people “get” who you are while bio is more of an overview.

What is the difference between a board CV/bio and executive CV/bio?

They really are quite similar. As you move up the executive ranks in a company, your profile needs to be elevated and tailored to showcase the impact you have made and the breadth of ownership and scale you are capable of leading. The story a senior executive tells is much richer than that of an individual contributor, line manager, or even senior director.

Our expert writers will do the heavy lifting for you to create a board package that can also be leveraged in other respects, whether to elevate your profile for a promotion or help you stand out in thought leadership realms (such as in press, speaking engagements, etc.) The board CV is created first and informs the board bio. The process we take you through to get to these artifacts, the elevator pitch, and your LinkedIn alignment is a very important and valuable component of your journey with us as an Aspiring Director. If you are a self service member, there are guides you can use to create these documents on your own in our Resource Library.

Read more about the difference, why it’s important to have a well-crafted CV and how Athena can help.


  • Include metrics of your accomplishments in your CV and bio

  • Attach numbers where possible—if you have made a measurable difference, quantify the impact

  • Include a photo and readable font in your bio

  • Emphasize impact, breadth, and scale

  • Check out the resource library for examples of bios and CVs to help guide you

  • Include a limited amount of personal information that provides insights into your life that makes you more memorable

  • Update your bio/CV if they do not address the specifications for the board seat or relate to the products and services of the company, and you have expertise that is appropriate. Refocus your value proposition


  • Have a bio that is longer than one page

  • Have a CV longer than 2-3 pages

I want to run my board documents past someone, who should I reach out to?

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have questions regarding your documents.

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